Unlock the science and solution of individual motivations to build strong teams, leadership, and individual human capital.

Our Credentials

We have emerged the winner for the Best Corporate Talent Development Provider (2018, 2017 and 2016) and Best Corporate Talent Engagement Provider (2017) and the HRM Reader’s Choice Award, recognising the excellence of our expertise and service in Asia.

Our Clients


Influence Without Authority

Research has shown that 80 to 90 Percent of our time to work requires us to influence others in some way. Influence is about moving people from their natural urge to resist into a commitment minds.

Ignite Performance With Career Conversation

Research has shown that 80 to 90 Percent of our time and work requires us to influence others in some way. Influence is about moving people from their natural urge to resist into a commitment mindset.

Partnering For Success

Research hos shown that 80 to 90 Percent of our time at work requires us to influence others in some way. Influence is about moving people from their natural urge to resist into a commitment mindset.

Joseph Wong

A multiple award-winning leadership &  behavioural transformation coach, captivating author, & game changing speaker With extensive expertise in leadership and business psychology and a longstanding interest in the science of human behaviour and motivation, Joseph seeks to help take organisations to new levels of productivity, performance and leadership across and beyond Asia.

“Igniting NEW performance is about creating behavioral shift to update our mental model of success.”

-Joseph Wong

Harness the power of proven behavioural science techniques to leverage the power of individual motivation and human capital.


On Leadership Team Development

We live in a brand new world today where leaders need to appreciate the new way of leading themselves with greater clarity, and their teams virtually.

The kind of complexity we are dealing with today is incredibly complex to manage because many factors are highly connected to each other and vastly unpredictable. No one has figured out these adaptive challenges in advance for the world.

Today’s leader needs to operate with a high level of flexibility as we can no longer predict with certainty using past experiences. The only way is to co-create possibility solutions with their teams to ensure that they are always ready to operate on possibilities to create opportunities.

Co-creation solutions are the way forward to thrive, and the new world today requires leaders to get out of the way and ignite collaboration among stakeholders.

Connecting their diverse perspectives on reality is the building block to a better and possible solution. The leader’s role is to surface those voices, combine them for a richer picture and a fuller reality.

josph wong josph wong



Joseph [TrainingGeorAsial was one of my speakers during a leaders’ briefing organised by my company. During the briefing. he was able to captivate the audience with his engaging style and charming personality.

Janet Quek,

Director Talent Development, Asia

Joseph [TrainingGearAsia] was one of my speakers during a leaders’ briefing organised GRG up by my company. During the briefing, he was able to captivate the audience with his engaging style and charming personality.

Tham Chien Ping

Regional Human Resources Lead
Lazada eLogostic Express

We engaged Joseph [TrainingGearAsial for a motivation speech at an internal event. He did not just simply deliver his personal pet topics. At the pre-event discussion, he asked detailed questions on the circumstance and objectives. During his delivery, he framed his message with a right content into right context. This was noticed and well received by the participants.

BT Ong.

Senior HR Director
infineon Technologies

Joseph [TrainingGearAsia] listened attentively and provided excellent support which were tailored to the needs of our organisation. He also facilitated the training that allowed interactions among the participants, while imparting skills and knowledge through experiential teaming activities. If hos been a great experience working with Joseph.

Miew Cheng Leong

Chief Human Resources Officer
Silicon Laboratories Intl Pte Ltd

Enhance Leadership and optimise human capital

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